And another picture from the 2022s GUE Creative Trip with redseaexplorers. On this dive we faced a difficult current, so we found shelter in the remains of wreck. If you and your buddy work as team and keep your eyes open, you can find a lot of interesting opportunities like this air pocket in the wreck. The pictures shows, that even with proper settings and light positing minor adjustments on the pictures have to be done.
My first step is white balance, followed by overall adjustments in the other basic settings (Exposure, shadows, highlights, Saturation etc.). Complete postproduction / editing was done in Lightroom. Equipment Used: Sony A7R III with Metabones IV and Sigma 15mm Fisheye in Nauticam Housing with 8,5″ Domeport, 2 Inon Z330 Strobes. 1/100Sec, f9, Iso 100, Strobes on manual power.